Welcome! Here is a start to what we think we know about you, from what our many other clients your age tell us. Your care-about's have shifted and now health, well-being and peace is what is important for you. You want to know that you won't be leaving with some ridiculous set thats going to fly you away into the sunset. After-care and investing in quality over quantity is what you wished you could have convinced your younger self of, and its never too late to start. You may have experienced that wah-wah-wah moment when you noticed the first fine lines, a less lush lash-line (say that 3 times fast) not to mention peri-M, the 'M' word, hot flashes (let's not harp!) Frankly, we are here for it, and here for you! So let's get you looking how you want to feel and let's get a grip of this thing together!
We stock many brands, different materials & various sheens
so our master artists can deliver end results you are seeking.
Let us curate something to meet your expectations!
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